From those who have
seen it...

"Up to this point in time, I have not seen anything from anyone, anywhere, that has produced useful amounts of energy in excess of the energy put into the devices. AND I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR SUCH, IN EXCESS OF TEN YEARS!"

- JT, Electrical Engineer

"I have personally witnessed 20 MEGAWATTS of electrical energy being produced from the quantum. ZERO FUEL! ZERO POLLUTION! And the device producing the power was no bigger then a chest of drawers! WITTS Ministries has more technology in a shoebox in their closet, then the whole S&P 500 does, put together!"

-Electrical Engineer PhD, and assistant director of research for IBM

"I have seen and tested Mr. Thrapp's machines and am thoroughly convinced that what W.I.T.T.S has accomplished, is real and could change the planet. I place Mr. Thrapp on par with Nicola Tesla and John Keely. W.I.T.T.S has the solutions!"

- WW, Masters in Electrical Engineering from MIT

"Based on what I personally saw, I believe free energy is available and Timothy & his associates have the ability to produce as much as the world needs."

- JM, PhD

"At two other locations I witnessed two separate houses operating on Stage III, zero point energy. The generators operating continuously, with no moving parts. The houses were each consuming at least 5000 watts of energy, each from their respective devices."

- DA, Prototype R&D machinist and manufacturing specialist

"WITTS machines are the most amazing things I have ever had the pleasure of testing. Coefficient of Performance (C.O.P.) of infinity on one electrical generator, lights that light up with no apparent source, heaters with C.O.P. over 500."

- EE with over 32 years experience

"I have visited their labs on many occasions and have always been impressed with their sheer genius in all fields relating to physics! I can also tell you unequivocally that they are the most advanced organization on the planet as far as technology goes!"

- EE PhD, adviser to 2 Presidents

*Complete texts & much more on our partner's site here.

We Need Your Help!

Funds for Quantum Energy demonstration.

What's the purpose of me reading this?

We seek to revolutionize the way the world produces electric power by providing new technologies to the consumer. Technologies that do not require fuel, coal, natural gas, sunlight, wind, inertial energy or the like. They can provide boundless amounts of electric power at home for pennies on the dollar compared to centralized energy distribution. We need contributions to build a small demonstration unit.

paypal $100 and be totally awesome!

$50 and become very cool.

...any amount and help us get this done!

What will this money be used for?

  • Acquire parts and components used in demonstration prototype.
  • Produce fixtures for fabricating custom elements.
  • Necessary special tools and instruments required for tuning electrical components.
  • Other items to facilitate assembly of the small portable demonstration device.

This demonstration model will be presented for independent verifications from electrical engineers and for producing viral videos of these technologies working in remote locations as well as in public locations such as shopping malls, etc.

These things set the stage for holding a series of professional demonstrations for the public and science community as well as lay the foundation to acquire the funding for large scale production.

Contact us before you contribute if you have questions!

We are asking YOU to contribute any amount you can as soon as possible. The faster we can raise funding, the sooner we can show quantum technology to the world and continue our work in helping the planet.

Oh... and we have a need for a good quality video camera for upcoming projects. Contact Us!

Help us with your Bitcoins!

Recently a new system for sending currency over the internet is gaining support. It is a decentralized, peer-to-peer, world-wide digital currency network. Please look into it if you're interested in alternatives to PayPal. See, the Bitcoin Wiki, or search Google for more information.

ET is excited to see developments such as this and gladly accepts contributions at: 1G6Bu53pQ8ALBhHhBuj52rwTWG8SfsVm2e

Thank you!

Who is involved with this?

Enlightened Technology - an organization that was formed by researcher, entrepreneur and social activist Tim Martin. Enlightened Technology plays the role of arranging business frameworks, developing marketing systems, and working with potential philanthropists benefiting WITTS and the mass production of their extraodinary technologies. A team of full-time volunteers is working hard to create new venues of funding, developing distribution systems, and is proactive to foster public support and education of advanced energy systems, such as WITTS quantum energy electric generators.

WITTS - a non-profit organization whose membership has been comprised of inventors of such notoriety as Nikola Tesla. WITTS has acted over many decades to preserve exotic sciences and technologies as given by the inventors so they would be available to future generations at a time of need. The current spokesman has been involved with WITTS for over two decades and has a working knowledge of many advanced technologies and will be making himself the key ingredient in getting this device built.

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